Some would like to read a DVD in different regions and different video standards. However, most DVD players cannot play DVDs of different region or the different video standard. Suppose you are in the US , is an area in the NTSC region, while the Canada , the two are in region 1. If you import a DVD in Europe, it will likely be PAL who would probably incompatible with your U.S. player. I think that most soaps as DVD and DVD players are encoded in a region. Described in our prior blog: DVD - All That area Codes you need to know.
In most cases, area codes can be removed from your DVD player by a simple remote control code that unlocks you DVD player. If a DVD drive is unlocked, it will become a zone free DVD player.
Today, many resources found on the Internet. File sharing and the release of various countries dates get closer and closer. It seems that there is no need to code DVD player. And many DVD players is the region / zone free now. If yours are not, perhaps, you must unlock your DVD player.
To unlock a DVD player, you need a DVD hack, you can search for a name and model of your DVD on VideoHelp drive. Take your remote control and your program DVD player. The method is very simple. Take for example the Samsung DVD-HD860.
Power on your drive DVD, open the tray, push information on once remote, press 9 for multiregional until you see the number 9 appears in the upper left corner off voltage, power on. Then, you can play any DVD. Finally remember: all take action may invalidate the warranty, so try it at your own risk.